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Eagle Mountain Youth Soccer (EMYS) is a youth soccer club located at the western and northern bases of the Lake Mountains at the northern end of Utah County. EMYS provides opportunities for players ages 4-18 years old to enjoy the game of soccer. EMYS has a Recreation level, District level (also known UVCL (Utah Valley Competition League)) and also State, or Club, Level teams. The quantity of teams will increase as the demand increases. EMYS, currently linked with Orem Youth Soccer (OYS), is in the process of creating its own non-profit organization, 501(c)3 in the very near future.
Managed by Partner Organization
Spring Registration is open Jan 1- Feb 15 all the info is on the website
Full Year Fall’23/Spring’24
May 1- July 15:
U5-U8: $110
U9-Up: $130
May 1 – July 15:
U5-U8: $75
U9-Up: $85
Spring ONLY
Jan 1- Feb 15:
U5-U8: $75
U9-Up: $85
Have your young athlete trained by former college soccer players this summer! Whether your child is just starting out, or looking to improve on existing skills, Utah Elite Soccer will help your child achieve that next level, all while having a blast and learning life lessons.
Camp 1: Mat 28 – June 1 ( Tues – Sat)
Camp 2: June 17 – 21
Camp 3: July 22 – 26
Camp 4: August 5 – 9
Ages 4-5 8:00am-8:45am
Ages 6-7 9:00am-10:00am
Ages 8-9 10:30am-11:45am
Ages 10-12 12:00pm-1:30pm
Nolen Park
7862 Tinamous Rd, Eagle Mountain, UT 84005
Registration: $60
Optional Items:
Camp t-shirt: $12
Soccer ball: $18
Managed by Partner Organization
Registration is currently open.
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