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Your Department Contact:
Johna Rose
Business Licensing Specialist
Office: (801) 789-6634
Additional Resources:
For information regarding Business Licensing, contact Johna Rose, Monday – Thursday at (801) 789-6634 or
Eagle Mountain City is here to assist businesses comply with state and local regulatory requirements. Our Special Permits and Licensing staff is here to assist you with all of your questions in a friendly and knowledgeable manner.
Select the form that best aligns with your needs. Per Eagle Mountain City code, Business licensing is required for anyone who operates a business within the city, or uses property to conduct business within the city. The purpose of licensing is to “facilitate business regulation in the exercise of police and regulatory powers of the city and to enhance the safety, privacy and security of the public” (See City Code). Business license renewals are required annually, home business licenses cost $25.00, commercial business licenses cost $75.00.
Other Forms and Applications
Alcohol License Application & Renewal
Helpful business license links
Eagle Mountain City is the third-largest city geographically in Utah. We have a large amount of open space and many developed areas that may be of interest for film productions.
Some productions that have filmed in Eagle Mountain include Paramount Network’s Yellowstone Series, HGTV’s House Hunters, A&E Networks, Discovery Channel’s Jungle Gold, The Biggest Loser, Trading Spaces, Investigation Discovery, Knights of Mayhem, AT&T Commercial, Discovery Channel Korea, NBC-Winter Olympics, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Tiny House Nation, and Nickelodeon’s Jagger Eaton’s Mega Life.
For questions or assistance with Film Permits or Filming in Eagle Mountain, please contact Tyler Maffitt at or 385-272-4017
Utah’s remarkable scenery has always inspired great storytelling. Stories are etched into the walls of the state’s red canyons, in the journals of its early explorers and in the hearts of the locals and travelers as they road trip and recreate. Add a touch of film history to your Utah itinerary, or plan your trip around these iconic cinema locations. You’ll soon discover why we say Utah. America’s Film Set.®
Residential Solicitation is permitted in Eagle Mountain if Solicitors acquire the necessary license and follow City Code. To obtain an active solicitation license, please use the link below and submit it to the City Recorder’s office prior to engaging in any residential solicitation. Residential solicitation is not permitted until the license is issued. Each solicitor from a business must be licensed. If the solicitor does not appear in the list below, the solicitor is not permitted to engage in residential solicitation in Eagle Mountain City.
Those violating any terms or provisions will be guilty of a Class B misdemeanor and will be punished by a fine up to $1,000 and/or a jail sentence up to six months.
Company | Solicitor | Expire Date |
Triton Home Care Services 801-500-3094 | Michael Srygler | 1/31/2025 |
Elite Windows/Ostrom Trowbridge Home Services 801-610-9107 | Calvin Howell 801-755-5871 | 05/16/2025 |
ES Solar | Ryan Trejo | 09/30/2024 |
North Roofing & Exteriors LLC 435-817-3651 | Justin Spinks | 06/27/2025 |
SouthWestern Advantage 435-525-0716 | Enrico Damoc, Leonor Ribeiro, Rihard Viherpuu & Aleksander Ojamets | 07/12/2025 |
Ronald Tucker 801-618-782 | Ronald Tucker (Fruit Guy) | 06/17/2025 |
Tono Build LLC 385-283-7904 | Batsaikhan Aruin-Erdene | 06/24/2025 |
Roofing & Restoration by Romney 801-928-3325 | Robert Woodruff | 06/27/2025 |
Mobile food services have quickly become a staple of Eagle Mountain’s food scene. Providing a variety of food options to residents and area food enthusiasts helps enhance the quality of life in Eagle Mountain. Individuals and businesses interested in providing food truck services in Eagle Mountain will find an increasingly vibrant day-time lunch scene, numerous options for parking pads, City events with food truck demand, incentives to help grow into more permanent space, and resources available to connect you with the larger business community.
Please obtain an Eagle Mountain City commercial business license prior to doing business within Eagle Mountain City.
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