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We can help you set up a safety/watch program in your neighborhood. We can also come out to your neighborhood and do presentations on whatever topic you need addressed, including but not limited to; setting up a program in your neighborhood, signs of drug use, bullying, suicide prevention, self-defense, social media concerns, crime prevention, and home safety.
The Utah County Sheriff’s Office is a proud sponsor of the Volunteers in Police Service, a nationally recognized program which is committed to developing a spirit of cooperation and partnership with the community. In conjunction with the Utah County Sheriff’s Jeep Patrol we recruit, train, and retain talented volunteers who will be encouraged to participate in meaningful community safety, security, and service programs, in addition to emergency response situations.
These programs help make your neighborhood a safer environment. Benefits of these sorts of programs include increased emergency preparedness, reduced crime, getting to know your neighbors and community issues, getting to work with law enforcement to prevent crime, peace of mind, and a quicker response time in emergencies. To learn more about becoming involved in your Neighborhood Watch or Community Safety Team, download the starter guide.
Volunteers are trained to help communities mitigate disasters during the first 72 hours following a disaster when damaged roads, disrupted communications, high telephone call volume, etc., may restrict access by professional emergency response teams. The purpose of CERT training is to provide citizens with the basic skills that they will need to handle virtually all of their own needs and then to respond to their community’s needs in the aftermath of a disaster. More information on CERT training and certification can be found at Emergency Management.
RAD is a self-defense and empowerment program for women of all ages beginning at 13 years old. We teach risk awareness, risk reduction, and easy-to-remember self-defense techniques. Because of the mature nature of the subjects covered, we encourage teenagers to be accompanied by a trusted adult female. We will offer this program 2 times this year (April and November). The program is 15 hours long. All classes are offered free of charge.
For more information about these classes please visit
April Program (Apr 8, 15, 22 from 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM)
November Program (Nov 4, 18, 25, Dec. 2 @ 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM)
Class you want full? Get on the Wait List
This is a safety and empowerment program for children 5-12 years old. It is the same program that was formerly taught in our elementary schools. Many topics of safety are covered, including some easy-to-learn physical skills for abduction reduction. This program is divided into 2 age groups: 5-7 year-olds, and 8-12 year-olds. Each group is taught 2 times per year for a total of 4 classes offered. radKIDS is 12 hours long and taught in 2-hour increments. All classes are free of charge.
Our radKIDS program relies on the help of volunteers to work with us and teach the children. If you are interested in becoming an instructor, please contact us! If you qualify, your tuition for the class will be paid for and you get to become part of our incredible Eagle Mountain Team!
For more information about these classes please visit
Ages 5 – 7
March Program (March 4, 6, 19, 20, 26, 28 @ 4:15 PM – 6:15 PM)
September Program (Sept. 4, 9, 11, 16, 18, 23 @ 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM)
Ages 8 – 12
July Program (July 15-20 @ 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM)
October Program (Sept. 25, 30, Oct. 2, 7, 9, 14 from @ 4:15 PM – 6:15 PM)
Class you want full? Get on the Wait List
Additionally, we offer a two-hour presentation for teenage females, typically aged 12-18 that covers dating issues, rape prevention strategies, awareness, and other challenges. Please contact Kelly Hall ( or Cami Brown (camillab@utahcounty,gov) to schedule.
All presentations are offered free of charge.
We offer a two-hour presentation for adult women that covers awareness, home safety, rape prevention strategies, and crime prevention. Please contact Kelly Hall ( or Cami Brown (camillab@utahcounty,gov) to schedule.
All presentations are offered free of charge.
We offer a 1.5-2 hour training called QPR. QPR stands for Question, Persuade, Refer. This class is for every person with friends, family, or co-workers. You are their first line of defense because you are in their everyday life. QPR uses your role as a friend, NOT as a counselor to help those in need. In this training, we will teach:
This training will be offered for the City three times this year (January, June, and November). Classes are limited to 30 participants. Please register to save your spot.
QPR Training January, 23, 2023
If you are interested in scheduling a training, please reach out to Kelly Hall ( or Cami Brown (camillab@utahcounty,gov).
All classes are offered free of charge.
We offer a class on fingerprinting and basic crime prevention. As part of the class we teach the boys how to collect a set of fingerprints.
We offer a class on crime prevention following the requirements for the merit badge.
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