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Eagle Mountain City is one of the rare cities that has a fully funded, 5-year, full-network road maintenance program. We focus on a preventative strategy, ensuring that our roads last for longer and that costs for repair are minimized. To do this, we are treating all roads in a predetermined schedule which may have residents or visitors observe our crews doing work on roads that appear completely fine. As the years go by, our roads will noticeably require surface replacement less frequently. We recognize that Eagle Mountain City is growing rapidly and although many of the roads are still young, our total build-out and rapid pace of development can quickly overwhelm road maintenance needs. Therefore, we have made road maintenance a high priority.
Find a pot hole? Have a question about the status or future of a road? Use the following phone numbers to get your questions answered.
Streets Department: 801-789-6684
Emergency Hotline: 801-789-5959, option 6
Crack seal prevents water from penetrating the asphalt and damaging the substructure.Crack seal is usually applied in between the months of Oct. – March. This is because the cracks are most open in the colder months. Crack seal is applied by city crews and contractors.
Nov. 1 – Feb. 29
Roads are temporally repaired with road base and cold mix asphalt.
March 1 – Oct. 31
Roads are correctly repaired with sub-grade material, compaction, and hot mix asphalt. Large projects go through a bid and contract process, because of the limited amount of street employees and equipment.
Eagle Mountain City’s Streets Department is in the process of completing a preventive maintenance program. It is our goal to maintain safe and high quality roads. A preventive maintenance program can help us achieve this while keeping pavement cost down. The City has adopted a new construction standards and specification. These standards and specifications consist of engineer grade fill in all utility trenches that run under or cross roadways. This will minimize settling and road damage.
If you would like to report a damaged road please call the streets department at 801-789-6684. For after-hours streets emergencies please call the emergency hotline at 801-789-5959 Ext. 6.
Striping is performed between the months of April – Oct. Crosswalks, symbols, and curb striping is done by city crews. Lane striping (such as Ranches Parkway and Eagle Mountain Blvd.) is done by bid and contract. Striping is done once to twice a year as needed.
Arterial roads are swept 4-5 times per year between the months of March and November. All other City owned streets are swept once a year or as needed. The City does not clean roads for contractors. It is the contractor’s responsibility to clean materials off the right of way after construction. City sweeping is contracted to sweeping companies. To help keep our city clean please report any incident (such as mud, nails, and garbage falling from a vehicle) to the neighborhood improvement officers at 801-789-6690.
Unpaved roads will be graded twice a year or as needed to maintain a safe driving surface for limited speed. Unpaved roads will receive snow removal within twenty-four hours after the end of snowfall for snow levels accumulation of six or more inches. Unpaved roads will receive gravel or engineered road base fill as required to maintain a safe traffic service at the speed limit for the road.
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