The Eagle Mountain Blvd. roundabout project has been delayed until further notice.
The project, which will replace the roundabout at Eagle Mountain Blvd. and Pony Express Pkwy. with a traffic signal, was postponed after the City rejected a bid that came in significantly over budget.
“It was almost double what we were thinking when the bid came back,” says Bryce Mcrae, Engineer in Training with Eagle Mountain City.
According to Mcrae, the overbudget bid was the only one the City received for the project.
“One of the main reasons why we rejected it was cost,” says Mcrae. “And then, the roundabout is still working right now.”
Even during busy times of the day, the roundabout still functions with a good level of service, says Mcrae. For this reason, the City’s Engineering department feels less pressure to complete the project urgently.
“We will do this project. It needs to be done,” says Mcrae. “But for the time being, it’s not a major concern.”
The project has been of significant interest to many residents in the Eagle Mountain City Citizens Facebook group, with several individuals voicing support for, or disapproval of, the project.
“Statistically speaking, roundabouts are significantly safer than traditional intersections. Fender benders will happen, yeah. But severe accidents at higher rates of speed are basically eradicated,” wrote one resident, Mandy Lane. “Paint the correct lines on it, post some ‘how to use the roundabout’ videos and keep it.”
“Stoplight[s] will be so much better long term, especially when they widen Pony Express,” another resident, Christopher Russell, said in favor of the project. “It’s not an if, but a when we’ll need a stoplight, and it’s better to do it now than wait until the city is twice the size in population.”
Mcrae says that the four-way traffic signal will allow for smoother flow of north and southbound traffic toward Meta, and east and westbound traffic on Eagle Mountain Blvd.
“Once a signal is in, you’re just going to have smoother flows and timing throughout that whole area,” he says.
According to Mcrae, the Engineering department does not have a firm timeline for when the roundabout will be replaced. However, Mcrae anticipates the project could be completed within the next few years.
In the meantime, the City will be focusing on the Eagle Mountain Intersection Improvement Project, which will make needed improvements to four major intersections throughout the city.
The project will replace the four-way stop sign at Major St. and Eagle Mountain Blvd. with a traffic signal, add a traffic signal at Stonebridge Ln. on Ranches Pkwy., add a signal at Woodhaven Blvd. and Pony Express and extend the length of the left turn lane on eastbound Pony Express toward Ranches Pkwy.
The Intersection Improvements Project is currently out for bid. Mcrae anticipates the bid will be awarded at the May 2 City Council meeting.
Assuming material availability, Mcrae says all four intersection projects should be completed by the middle of October this year.
Learn more about upcoming intersection improvement projects.