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Your Department Contact:
Brandon Larsen
Planning Director
Office: 801-789-6708
Additional Resources:
With over 50 square miles of land, Eagle Mountain is the 3rd largest city (geographically) in Utah. As such, the potential of our young city is truly limitless. Inherent with such a ‘blank canvas’ of undeveloped land is the great need to ensure that growth and development occur in a way that is safe, environmentally responsible, and continues to contribute to the quality of life of our residents as a whole. This is where Long-Range Planning is essential.
This Parks, Trails, and Open Space Master Plan guides the future development of parks, trails, and other open space throughout the city, and was approved by the City Council August 2020. Our goal is for Eagle Mountain to be Utah County’s most desirable place to live, and the open space system is vital to achieving that goal.
View the Parks and Open Space Master Plan Here
The Eagle Mountain Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan formalizes a vision for a safe, efficient and connected network of sidewalks, bike-ways, paths and trails that will grow with the City and Improve quality of life for all residents.
View the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Here
2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan – adopted by Mountainland MPO Regional Planning Committee on May 5, 2011. It is a coordinated system of capital-intensive roadway projects, transit improvements, and pedestrian/bicycle facilities needed over the next thirty years. The plan attempts to minimize impacts to society and environment while providing for enough capacity and transportation choice to ensure the region’s economy continues to grow.
Northern Utah County Transit Study – a study managed by Mountainland Association of Governments that is currently in process.
Camp Williams Joint Land Use Study – The City has been heavily involved in the regional planning efforts to create the Camp Williams Joint Land Use Study and protect this important Army National Guard base and mission near our community. This study included participation by Camp Williams, Eagle Mountain City, The City of Saratoga Springs, Lehi City, Herriman City, Bluffdale City, Utah County, and Salt Lake County. The study, completed in October 2012, contains recommended strategies to address compatibility issues between the cities/counties and Camp Williams.
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