The Eagle’s View – Feb. 2023

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The February edition of The Eagle’s View is ready for your enjoyment. This month, we learn about the Great Horned Owl, a new landmark in the community and track the progress of new business development. Read here.

Summit within Lake Mountains officially named Eagle Mountain

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Since Eagle Mountain City’s founding in 1996, residents and visitors alike have mistakenly assumed a nearby mountain bears the same name. That assumption is no longer a mistake. In cooperation with the United States Geological Survey and the Utah Committee on Geographic Names, Eagle Mountain City worked for two years to locate a point within… Read more »

The Eagle’s View – Jan. 2023

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The January edition of The Eagle’s View is ready for your enjoyment. This month, we discuss water runoff, community events, and learn more about the murmuration patterns of birds. Read here.

Mule deer habitat remains diverse

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What constitutes mule deer habitat? Mule deer are adaptable to different food sources and living in different environments. If you asked mule deer biologists in the Sonoran Desert, they would tell you something completely different than someone in the panhandle of Idaho. As would someone from the Arizona strip, the Badlands of Montana/North Dakota, the… Read more »

Many slithery serpents call Cedar Valley home

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The thought of snakes can illicit some squeamish responses. Snakes, often get a bad rap. However, snakes play an important role in the functioning of local ecosystems. Here are the three most common snakes residents are likely to encounter here in Eagle Mountain: 1-Great Basin rattle snake (Crotalus, lutosus).  These rattle snakes are common in… Read more »

What does the fox say?

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Eagle Mountain is a wild-urban interface. The truth is, and this should be no surprise, the community has wild canids living within city limits. Likely, there’s an influx of migration and emigration of coyotes and red foxes moving through the city throughout the year.  It’s important that residents are aware of these and, like any… Read more »

EM City launches enhanced Resident Portal

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Residents have been able to submit issues with parks, roads, signs and graffiti to the City for several years. Now, Eagle Mountain City is enhancing that service. “The Resident Portal has been a great tool to help residents and the City know where there are issues and how we can best resolve them,” said Eagle… Read more »

Getting to know local birds

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Late summer, early fall and into the winter months is the time of year we see many of Utah’s summer migrant birds like the Swainson’s hawk, Bullocks oriole, barn swallow and western kingbird fly south to warmer latitudes.  These birds are primarily insect eaters, and with colder temperatures, there just isn’t a food source to… Read more »

The Eagle’s View – Nov. 2022

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The November edition of The Eagle’s View is ready for your enjoyment. This month, we learn more about holiday decorating safety and cover how local birds cache their seeds. Read here.

Eagle Mountain City again recognized for financial reporting

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The Government Finance Officers Association has named Eagle Mountain City a Triple Crown Winner in several financial reporting categories for Fiscal Year 2020. The City was recognized for Excellence in Financial Reporting, Popular Annual Financial Reporting and Distinguished Budget Presentation in a fiscal year. “Over the years, we’ve worked hard to ensure that Eagle Mountain… Read more »