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Your Department Contact:
Johna Rose
Business Licensing Specialist
Office: (801) 789-6634
Additional Resources:
For information regarding Business Licensing, contact Johna Rose, Monday – Thursday at (801) 789-6634 or
Everyone wants to start a business that succeeds. Your idea may just need a little work to give you a better chance at success. Build your idea in a way that makes you unique, establishes an identity, and does not face extreme competition. Because Eagle Mountain City is still young, there are many ideas that could work here. If you need help identifying needs in Eagle Mountain and seeing where you can thrive, contact our Economic Development Director, who can walk you through what the current business landscape is like in the city.
Some businesses work well out of a home, others require a separate space. If you need office, warehouse, or other buildings, location can be a significant factor. Some businesses rely on high visibility, foot traffic, or proximity to other like businesses. Other businesses just need space, specific features such as loading docks, or other requirements. There are numerous options here in Eagle Mountain and more continue to be developed. If you need help identifying a space, contact our Economic Development Director who can help you find what you need.
A business plan is fundamental to success. Your plan will help you obtain needed financing, assess your risks and opportunities, prepare you to handle the needs of your future employees, and even help you balance life responsibilities and have fun. There are numerous resources available to help you develop a business plan, including our Chamber of Commerce which can additionally provide you with a wealth of experience from other business owners in Eagle Mountain.
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