Eagle Mountain City is still in the early planning stages for a downtown area, but plans took a recent step forward.
At the Feb. 21 Eagle Mountain City Council Meeting, City Economic Development Director Evan Berrett presented a bid award recommending that Downtown Redevelopment Services be awarded the ability to build concepts for a future downtown, among two other Small Area Plans.
“Although these areas are called small areas, they will have tremendous impact on the city as a whole.,” says Berrett. “We absolutely want to involve residents in this process as much as we can and in any way we can so that we can maximize positive outcomes and produce plans that everyone can be excited about.”
Downtown Redevelopment Services will be leading a team proposing a wide range of ideas for the three areas that will be planned to offer unique amenities in each location.
Considerations will include which services would work best in those areas for the betterment of the lives of residents, the satisfaction of landowners and the economic stability of the community.
Downtown Redevelopment Services’ Mission
Downtown Redevelopment Services’ website states as their mission:
“Community is at the center of all of the work that we do. It is the community members and stakeholders that ultimately drive the results sought. That is why we guide communities towards proven downtown revitalization strategies and empower everyday people to determine their own destiny.”
How were they selected?
After seeking bids, a City staff review committee scored the proposals and invited the top scorers for final presentations. The committee recommended awarding the bid to Downtown Redevelopment Services in partnership with CRSA/Architecture Planning & Design in Utah, Avenue Consultants, and Zions Bank Public Finance.
The Downtown Redevelopment Services proposal was not the lowest cost proposal. Their bid was $41,515 for each of the three areas, totaling $124,545.
In general, staff felt that given the significant impact these area plans would have on the future of Eagle Mountain, that it was more important to find the right team that can deliver the highest quality product with strong public and stakeholder engagement.
“These small area plans present a unique opportunity to choose our own destiny,” says Berrett. “Using what can be learned from cities around the country, and the collective hopes and desires of residents of Eagle Mountain, we have the potential to plan amazing areas that will build and shape the vitality, traditions, prosperity, and opportunity that will exist in Eagle Mountain for generations.”
Downtown Redevelopment Services and their partners scored highest overall and demonstrated through their proposal, along with the presentation they made, that they would best serve the needs of Eagle Mountain.
One of the deciding factors was Downtown Redevelopment Services’ approach to engage with residents, City Council, landowners and other stake holders in a cooperative effort.
City Council approves
The City Council approved awarding the bid with a 4-1 vote. Councilmember Colby Curtis voted against the proposal – citing his issues with density and mixed-use development.
Location of the three areas
Gateway Park is located at the gateway to Eagle Mountain City near SR-73 (Cory Wride Memorial Highway) where the quarry and surrounding area are currently located. This area will have easy access to nearby Mountain View Corridor and Redwood Rd.
Commercial Core is a corridor located adjacent to Eagle Mountain Blvd. This area is the largest of the three at approximately 2,000 acres. Due to its size, this area could prove to be the impetus for greater employment opportunities close to home.
Mid-Valley Downtown is located near Mid-Valley Rd., across Pony Express Parkway from Cory Wride Memorial Park. This area is envisioned to be the downtown of Eagle Mountain City and could provide needed and enjoyable amenities for many residents.
Balance of design
Small Area Plans provide for a balance of residential and commercial entities, keeping traffic flow needs, aesthetically pleasing design, as well as the evolving of community needs in mind.
Although the three areas will have some impact on one another, they are independent plans being completed by the same team.