Meta’s Eagle Mountain Data Center first announced the winners of its 2023 Community Action Grant in March, and awarded the recipients at an award ceremony in Eagle Mountain on March 29.
“Eagle Mountain is our home, and we are committed to creating a positive impact in the communities that host us,” says William Marks, Community Development Regional Manager with Meta.
The Community Action Grant is awarded to organizations that utilize technology in their efforts to better the community.
“We are proud to support organizations and projects that meet community needs by putting the power of technology to use for community benefit, connecting people online or off, and improve STEM education through the Data Center Community Action Grants program,” says Marks.
Of the 26 winners, four were local to the Cedar Valley: Cedar Valley Elementary School, the Eagle Mountain Arts Alliance, the Eagle Mountain Performing Arts Coalition and Pony Express Elementary School.
Cedar Valley Elementary School – for collaboration, communication, critical thinking and creativity through Finch robots and Snap Circuits technology.
Eagle Mountain Arts Alliance – to provide sound and camera equipment and streaming technology to reach out to the Eagle Mountain community.
Eagle Mountain Performing Arts Coalition (Eagle Mountain Symphony Orchestra and Eagle Mountain Community Theatre) – for technology such as laptops, speakers, keyboards and video production equipment to enhance the sharing of local performances.
Pony Express Elementary School – to support a school greenhouse to help students learn about science, nature, plants and the environment.
According to Marks, the Community Action Grant program has provided millions in funding across the United States and Europe since the program first started in 2011. In Eagle Mountain, $630,000 has been awarded through the program in the last three years. More than $2 million in additional STEM, sustainability and small business grants have also been awarded in Eagle Mountain during that time, says Marks.
“As a company focused on community, we are humbled by the work that you do to make our community a better place,” says Marks of the grant recipients.
Below is a complete list of the 2023 Data Center Community Action Grants Recipients.
- ACE Mentor Program of Utah, Inc.
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Utah County
- Cedar Valley Elementary
- Centro Hispano
- Dan W. Peterson School
- Eagle Mountain Arts Alliance
- Eagle Mountain Performing Arts Coalition
- Equality Utah
- Forge Forward Project
- Fox Hollow elementary
- Just for Kids of Utah County
- Orem Junior High
- Parkside Elementary
- Pony Express Elementary
- Provo Bicycle Collective
- Salt Lake Community College Foundation
- Tech-Moms
- The Happy Giraffe Company
- The Leonardo Museum
- The V School
- United Way of Utah County
- Utah 4-H – USU Extension
- Utah Schools for the Deaf and Blind Education Foundation
- Utah Valley University
- Valley View Elementary
- Vista Heights Middle School