Eagle Mountain has a unique climate as it’s tucked between two mountain ranges.
The Ranches is the hilly section of Eagle Mountain and City Center is situated in a relatively flatter area, so weather between these differing parts of the community can vary at times.
The City has two advanced weather stations through a partnership with Utah State University. One is located near Pony Express Memorial Park in City Center and the other has been placed at the Nolen Park annex in The Ranches.
These two stations provide real-time and historical data, which includes:
Current temperature
Wind speed and direction
Precipitation today and historical
Dew point
Solar Radiation
It may have been noticed that, despite the ongoing drought, Eagle Mountain received a fair amount of precipitation this past summer in June, July and August.
This precipitation in no way alleviates the state of Utah’s historic drought situation. It was, however, helpful in keeping local lawns green, and vegetables and flowers thriving. These changes were noticed alongside efforts to conserve water in Eagle Mountain by irrigating lawns with reduced frequency.
Data gathered from the two weather stations for this past summer show how Eagle Mountain fared:
June 1 – Aug. 31
Precipitation: 3.14”
Highest wind speed: 7/17 28.4 mph
Highest temperature: 7/9 98.2°
City Center
June 1 – Aug. 31
Precipitation: 3.48”
Highest wind speed: 7/19 39.2 mph
Highest temperature: 7/17 100.7°
Residents can easily find this data by accessing the two Eagle Mountain Weather Station links on the City website. Keeping track of this data might be a fun activity for families to engage in during each of the four seasons here in Eagle Mountain.