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City Meetings

The When and Where

Eagle Mountain City Council and Planning Commission meetings take place at the City Hall Council Chambers located at 1650 E. Stagecoach Run, Eagle Mountain, UT.

City Council: 

Work Session: 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Work Session is a time for the City Council to receive and discuss information pertaining to the agenda items. No actions are taken in this session.

Policy Session: 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM

During Policy Session, the City Council will take action on the agenda items discussed in the Work Session.

Planning Commission

Work Session: 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM

Work Session is a time for the Planning Commission to receive and discuss information pertaining to future agenda items. No actions are taken in this session.

Policy Session: 6:30 – 9:00 PM 

During Policy Session, the Planning Commission will take action on the meeting’s agenda items.

How to Participate

The City Council and Planning Commission meetings are open to the public. The public is invited to comment during Public Comment in the City Council Policy Session or when there is a Public Hearing at the City Council or Planning Commission meetings. Those who comment are asked to fill out a Public Comment Form, located on the wall of the recording booth in the Council Chambers. You can also fill out the public comment form before the meeting here.

If you need a special accommodation to participate in a public meeting, please call the City Recorder’s Office at least three working days prior to the meeting at 801-789-6610.

2024 Meeting Schedule

City Council

January 2, 16
February 6, 20
March 6, 19
April 2, 16
May 7, 21
June 4, 18
July 2, 16
August 6, 20
September 3, 17
October 1, 15
November 6, 19
December 3

Planning Commission

January 9, 23
February 13, 27
March 12, 26
April  9, 23
May  14, 28
June 11, 25
July 9, 23
August 13, 27
September 10, 24
October8, 22
November 12, 26
December 10

Meeting Live Streams and Records

Public Comment

To make a comment during the public meeting, please fill out a Public Comment Form.  You can fill out the Public Comment Form prior to the meeting here, or fill one out in person at the meeting.

Please note: After 4:00 PM for City Council meetings and 5:30 PM for Planning Commission meetings, Public Comment Forms must be filled out at City Hall. The forms are located on the wall of the recording booth in the Council Chambers.

The tool below allows you to view Live Streams of meetings and additionally search documents and view videos of past City Council, Planning Commission, and Redevelopment Agency meetings. Records include video recordings, audio, minutes, documents, and presentations.

History of City Council Decisions

Click here for a list of City Council decisions from 2019 on.  Please use Microsoft Edge to open the minutes links in the document.  If using Chrome, right-click the link and select Open Link in New Window.

Archived Meeting Agendas, Minutes, and Audio

Below you will find Minutes and Agendas from meetings prior to 2019.

Searching for something specific?

You can browse the documents using the links below. If you are looking for something more specific, such as particular words, names, etc. you will need to login to your Google account after selecting a year. Then use the search bar that appears. If you do not have a Google account, you can create one for free through the login prompts. If you need to search multiple years, use the folder navigation at the top left of the new window.

City Council

Planning Commission

Redevelopment Agency

Follow Us

  • Issue Reporting Hotline:
  • 801-789-5959
  • Option 1 – Parks and Recreation
    Option 2 – Water
    Option 3 – Sewer
    Option 4 – Storm Water
    Option 5 – Streets
  • For Emergencies, dial 911