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Event Page Template

Event Description

This is a description of the event. Talk about what happens at the event, who can participate, why someone would want to be part of it, and more.

Key Information:

Dates & Times: April 28 – March 3, 2022
Location: Cory Wride Memorial Park
Cost: $2.00 per Person
Connected Events: Event 1, Event 2

Event Component 1

Description and details about a specific part of an event. Christmas Village is a good example, where this section may talk specifically about the food, meeting Santa, reindeer, or vendors.

Event Component 2

Description and details about a specific part of an event. Christmas Village is a good example, where this section may talk specifically about the food, meeting Santa, reindeer, or vendors.

Event Component 3

Description and details about a specific part of an event. Christmas Village is a good example, where this section may talk specifically about the food, meeting Santa, reindeer, or vendors.

Additional Event Information:

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  • 801-789-5959
  • Option 1 – Parks and Recreation
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  • For Emergencies, dial 911