Yes, Approval required. 17.80.090 Temporary (right-of-way) special event signage
For temporary signage to be placed in city-owned right-of-way (between side walk and property line) advertising special events occurring within the city, the following standards shall be followed:
General Guideline
17.80.090 Special events signs.
A. On-Premises Special Event Signs. The planning director or designee may approve a permit for on-premises special event signs, such as flags, banners, or other signs, subject to the following:
1. For each business location, one permit (for up to two signs) may be obtained at a time and up to one permit may be obtained in a calendar year for the following:
a. For each permit, the maximum sign copy may not exceed 32 square feet in size for one sign or a total of 32 square feet between two signs.
b. Signs may not be posted or visible for a period of more than 60 consecutive days.
2. For each business location, one permit (for up to four signs) may be obtained at a time and up to three permits may be obtained in a calendar year for the following:
a. For each permit, the maximum sign copy may not exceed 32 square feet in size for one sign or a total of 32 square feet between four signs.
b. Signs may not be posted or visible for a period of more than 12 consecutive days.
3. On-premises special event signs may include signs used for advertising a special event such as a business grand opening, special business sale event, employment opportunity, registration events, or other similar events or activities.
4. The planning director may approve on-premises special event signs to be located within or partially within the public right-of-way directly adjacent to a business location.
B. Right-of-Way Special Event Signs. The planning director or designee may approve a permit for special event signs such as flags, banners, or other signs for the purpose of temporarily advertising special events within the public right-of-way subject to the following:
1. No more than one permit (for up to four signs) may be obtained at a time and no more than three permits may be obtained in a calendar year.
2. Right-of-way special event signs may include signs used for advertising a fundraiser event, concert, school activity, farmers market, parade of homes, or other similar event that the planning director or designee determine to be special events. Special events do not include small, private events like yard sales, garage sales, moving sales or lost pet signs.
3. For each permit, the maximum sign copy may not exceed 32 square feet in size for one sign or a total of 32 square feet between up to four signs.
4. Signs may not be posted for a period of more than 12 consecutive days.
5. The permit holder is solely responsible to remove the signs by the appropriate date.
6. Right-of-way special event signs are not allowed on private property.
C. Inflatable Special Event Signs. The planning director or designee may approve a permit for a tube man inflatable sign (a.k.a. skydancer, wacky waving inflatable arm, or fly guy) subject to the following:
1. The sign will be located in commercial, business park, commercial storage, or industrial zones.
2. The maximum height of the sign does not exceed 22 feet. The diameter at the base of the sign does not exceed 30 inches.
3. Signs may not be operational or visible for a period of more than 12 consecutive days.
4. For each business location, no more than one permit for up to two inflatable signs may be obtained at a time and no more than three permits may be obtained in a calendar year.
5. Signs shall be set back a distance equal to or greater than the height of the sign from all rights-of-way, lot lines, and overhead utility lines, and shall be spaced no closer than 25 feet to other inflatable signs.
D. Approval Process. An application for a special event sign permit together with the special event sign permit application fee must be made on forms provided by the city. Any special event sign permit application that is not approved by the city within 30 days shall be deemed denied.
E. Restriction on Location. Temporary right-of-way signs may not be located in the park strip (between the street and the sidewalk), but may be located between the sidewalk and the property line or fence. Temporary signs shall not be placed in the public right-of-way, a required parking space, a driveway, or in a manner that obstructs points of access. No sign shall be positioned in such a manner as to result in the creation of an unsafe visual clearance at any intersection or driveway location. Signs may not be placed on utility poles, light poles, fences, or trees.
F. Penalty for Violation. Any person or entity that places or installs a special event sign without a permit shall be subject to a fine of $250.00 for each day of the violation. The planning director may also withhold approval of any new special event sign permit for a period of two years from the date of the last violation. [Ord. O-03-2020 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. O-03-2018 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. O-08-2016 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. O-06-2010 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. O-12-2009 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. O-26-2008 § 2 (Exh. A § 16.9); Ord. O-18-2008 § 2 (Exh. A § 16.9)].
Additional Precautions
If your information is not submitted in the following forms, your signs may be removed.
No signs are allowed on power poles, lamp posts, fences, trees, grass/decorative rock strip medians between traffic lanes or between the curb and sidewalks.